Nachtstrom is a concert series organized by the Audio Design Department in collaboration with Gare du Nord. With 4-6 concerts over the school year, our aim is to open up our activities to a wider audience and provide a platform for presentation, experimentation, and learning. The concert programs are crafted in connection to the teaching curriculum, helping develop a synergy between students and professors through concert organization. Invited local and international guest artists are also given a space to present their work at Nachtstrom to further enrich the experience of our students.

Some of the musicians who played at Nachstrom:
Noémi Büchi, Thomas Ankersmit, Isabella Forciniti, Jan Jelinek, Marina Rosenfeld, Beatrice Dillon,
Electric Indigo

Led by Svetlana Maraš, ESB Noise Ensemble is a space for collaboration, live performance and
presentation of various creative outputs by the ESB students. Experimenting with technology,
students create different formats such as audio-visual installations, live improvisations,
performances with hybrid instruments and interactive sound sculptures.

ESB Noise Ensemble

On June 29, 2022, Radio SRF 2 Kultur presented the results of a collaboration with the Electronic Studio Basel: Electro-acoustic radio art works composed and performed (live) by Audio design students exclusively for Radio  SRF 2 Kultur.

H.E.I. Guide
The H.E.I. Guide is an interactive audio walk. Its development happened in close collaboration with the Hochschule für Musik FHNW and the Electronic Studio Basel. The program was further utilized by audio design students for the creation of an audio walk for the Game Theory Symposium at Theater Basel in January 2023.

Theater Basel
Theater Basel, specifically their audio/video-department, is a frequent collaborator. The head of its department, Robert Hermann, also teaches at the ESB and several alumni have worked there.

Gare du Nord
Gare du Nord - Bahnhof für Neue Musik - is a concert venue for contemporary music and a longtime partner of the ESB. Many of our concerts - e.g. Nachtstrom - take place at Gare du Nord.

Idee und Klang Studio and Audio Design
Idee und Klang Studio and Audio Design were founded by the ESB alumni Daniel De Wiler and Ramon de Marco. Next to being a professional service in the field of audio production and sound design, they offer
internships and freelance work as well as occasional workshops and presentations.

MESH festival - Festival of Art and Technology
ESB was presented at the first edition of the MESH festival with exhibition program, featuring students’
immersive, ambisonic, audio-visual installations. ESB curated and organised club program for one
of the evenings with performers: Beatrice Dillon (live set), Tim Shatnyy (live AV) and DJ set by
Kaspar Deicher.
Mesh is organised by:
HEK – Haus für Elektronische Künste
HGK – Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW
iart – Studio für Mediale Architekturen

Student projects
We strongly encourage our students to develop their own creative projects. These projects represent the core of our teaching; each student is trained to implement their skills and knowledge to better shaping their personal and artistic development. These projects showcase the variety of artistic forms our students work in. From electro acoustic composition, electronic music albums and performances, sound installations, to software and hardware solutions – our students are free to pursue their personal goals and ideas. This essential work allows our students ways to practice and prepare themselves for their professional career in the field of contemporary sound practices.

The Electronic Studio Basel live on Radio SRF 2 Kultur

Studying Audio Design at Electronic Studio Basel: Jaka Arh (Alumnus)

Lino Schilling: Step Two (2022)

Martin Reck: space25 (2022)

Robin Michel: Formen (2022)

Tim Shatnyy: Bd¦èþüêæ aus Ꮇꮧꮥꮶꭵꮑꮆ (2022)

elektronisches studio basel